Stop the RIAA, Boycott the RIAA
Most people don't know it, but when you pay for major label music you're supporting some pretty nasty stuff. We think it boils down to two main points:
1) The major labels pay radio stations to play their songs. This is sketchy in itself--shouldn't the music on the radio just be the best stuff? But the worst part is it means other labels are locked out of radio. If musicians don't sign an exploitative contract with one of the majors, they don't get on the radio.
2) This fall the major labels starting suing fans. So far, they've sued over 300 people, mostly working families with young children. And they say the suits will continue indefinitely. Whatever you think about filesharing, it's just not okay for giant corporations to sue people with kids, living paycheck to paycheck, who can't afford a defense. The lawsuits are literally pushing families into bankruptcy.
RIAA Radar (riaaradar.com) is a great tool that can tell you whether a CD is put out by an RIAA label. It helps you avoid supporting the RIAA when you buy music. Now, Downhill Battle and RIAA Radar have teamed up to get the word out in stores, but we need you to make it happen. Changing the music industry isn't a dream anymore, the major labels are on the ropes and we have a chance to get rid of them.

Get some labels
We want to get these stickers out to people that will put them in stores around the country. We got a whole bunch made at stickerguy.com. We'll send you a pack of 100 (50 of each design) for $10 including postage (we're just trying to cover our costs). You can also print your own, below. Either way, we'd love to hear about how it goes! (Take a look to the right for some photos people have already sent us.)Downhill Battle Postal Department
where we keep all our cool stuff.
If you like the idea of this project, but don't want to sticker yourself, you can still help out. There are lots of folks that would do more stickering if they had more stickers. Contribute to our sticker fund and we'll make sure that your stickers get put to good use. And if you're interested in contributing $100 or more, we also have some special projects in mind-- contact us.
Print Your Own
Have an inkjet and some mailing labels? Print out some stickers and get to work!Sticker sheets from Sean (for Avery 5160 labels):
-PDF Sheet of Stickers
-Microsoft Publisher Sheet of Stickers
High-resolution gifs:
-the lawsuits sticker
-the payola sticker
Disclaimer: Downhill Battle is not responsible for how you use any of these stickers.
Read More
Downhill Battle is working to end the major label domination of the music industry. If you want to read the short version of why we think this matters, check out: The Reasons. Take a look at the rest of our site to learn more about the major record labels, and the incredible opportunity we have to make the music business better for artists and fans: www.downhillbattle.org.Get Involved
If you'd like to help out with Downhill Battle projects and outreach, head over to our Get Involved page.